Hello! I am Matej
Full Stack Web Developer

About me

I am a self-taught developer with industry experience building websites and web applications for medium and large Czech companies (O2, Vodafone, Amundi, Hypotecni Banka).
I specialize in back-end and have professional experience working with PHP (Laravel, Symfony).
Most recently I start working as Node.js developer in MALL GROUP. Where I develop gateway for all APIs in Mall ecosystem of microservices.

I had the privilege of working with Matej in Media Factory. He is a responsible, goal oriented team player.
Matej is a fast-learner, skilled programmer. He has never hesitated to provide support when needed.
I have no doubt that Matej will be an asset to any company.

Gohar Abrahamyan

Front-End Developer

Matej is very passionate and has great vision for his work. He is highly creative and very easy-going person
to work with. He has never hesitated to provide support when needed and makes sure
that whatever project he is working on meets the highest standards.

Jan Bugata

Product Manager
Tech Stack

Building web applications
& digital projects

Web design


My IT journey started as HTML/CSS coder. I learnt a lot in the process and my layouts work on any device, big or small.



Enthusiast and hobbyist of ever changing list of modern JavaScript frameworks, CSS pre-processors and build tools.



Past years I specialize in creating web application for medium-businesses all the way to large enterprise corporations.

Let’s start a discussion

If you wanna get in touch, talk to me about a project collaboration
or just say hi, feel free to contact me below

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